China Rose Winter Radish

Certified Organic

Raphanus sativus

These beauties store well into the winter.

These long, cylindrical radishes sort of resemble carrots, but that's where the similarities end. Best when planted under slightly cooler conditions (think late-summer), the China Rose Winter radish is great for long-term cold-weather storage. Vibrant, red skin gives way to white, firm flesh. Very crisp, the China Rose Winter is excellent eaten raw--a great fresh addition to cold-weather palates.

This variety is suitable for growing as a microgreen. 🌱

from $3.99

250 Seeds / Organic $3.99 In Stock
1 Ounce / Organic $6.99 In Stock
4 Ounces / Organic $13.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Direct sow China Rose in late summer in rows spaced 10" apart. Thin small radish seedlings to 4-6" apart for large roots. Keep watered, especially during hot weeks. Harvest 3-6" radishes after the first frost for a sweet crop. Store in the refrigerator or in a root cellar for months. (Tops are enjoyable in a saute or braising mix.)

Days to Germination 3 to 5 days
Days to Maturity 40 days
Planting Depth ¼ to ½ inch
Spacing in Row 4 to 6 inches
Spacing Between Rows 10 inches
Height at Maturity 4 to 5 inches
Width at Maturity 8 inches
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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