The other day, at the end of a long string of work days, Doug and I were determined to do something fun, relaxing, and not related to work. So what did we do? Dug up last year's parsnips. The excitement of pulling up those pale gold roots, oohing and ahhing with each fresh discovery, was exactly what we needed to rejuvenate. That and some spring dug parsnips to roast for dinner.
Our quote for this week's seedy newsletter alludes to the never ending list of chores we relish as gardeners. Or do we? Sometimes the chores can feel overwhelming and it's hard to decide what to do first. One wonderful resource for figuring out what to prioritize, month by month, is Margaret Roach's blog, A Way to Garden. We've been growing for years, but I still sneak a peek at Margaret's monthly chore list just to see what she's up to and make sure I'm on track.
Check out Margaret's April list, with her top 10 April chores.
What's our approach to the never ending garden to-do list? Enjoy it! Make sure that there's always something fun in there, whether it's harvesting spring-dug parsnips, cutting a bouquet of flowers, or going out with your camera to take some photos, it's important to remember that we also garden for pleasure. Find those moments in and around your chorus of chores. Get done what you can and then let the garden do the rest. We hope your gardens will be full of joy so your garden chores feel like no chore at all.