Would you be surprised to learn that these cheery flowers are sometimes known as "the flowers of the dead"? The genus Tagetes is native to Mexico, where these plush, plump blooms are still culturally significant. On Día de los Muertos, families set out cempasúchil (as they're often called there) to guide deceased relatives to their alters. It's precisely the bright colors and strong scents that make them perfect beacons for the spirits of the dead. These easy-growing annuals are, and have always been, a celebration of life, and with generous sunlight and well-draining soil, they can celebrate in your garden too. 


Showing 1 to 5 of 5 items

Crackerjack Mix African Marigold

Beneficial companion plant boasts large pom-pom blooms.

from $3.49

Marigold Medley

Bring your garden to life with this mix of festive marigolds.


Mexican Mint Marigold

Certified Organic

Pretty flowers and leaves that taste like tarragon!

from $3.99

Sparky French Mix Marigold

Petite, spunky marigolds are beneficial and edible!

from $3.49

Out of Stock
Senate House Marigold vendor-unknown Senate House Marigold vendor-unknown

Senate House Marigold

Certified Organic

Luscious pale yellow blooms with a unique history.
