Art of the Heirloom 2013: Cultural Seed Savers

Art of the Heirloom 2013: Cultural Seed Savers

Every year we put together a traveling exhibition of the artworks commissioned for our newest heirloom varieties. Each work, created by a different artist, becomes a unique seed pack that we  call Art Packs.The contemporary artwork reflects the modern importance of preserving, developing, and celebrating the diversity of heirloom seeds.

The artwork is an integral part of our commitment to seeds as cultural treasures and the artists are an essential piece of keeping the culture in agriculture. The theme of this year's show is Artists as Cultural Seed Savers and each event is an opportunity to see the original works side by side with the packs. Each exhibition will be a bit different depending on the venue. A few of the shows, like the first one  on November 4th at Unison Arts Center in New Paltz, NY, will include selections from the Seed Library's archives of commissioned art and antique seedy images.

We travel the show around, in part, to support our artists and give them more exposure and opportunities. The banner below can be found on the front page of We'll keep it updated with current shows and upcoming shows so you can see when Art of the Heirloom will be in your neck of the woods.






We would be unable to mount this exhibition without the help of our Art of the Heirloom sponsors- Horticulture Magazine and Great Performances.

For a free subscription to Gardener's On the Go, click below.




To learn more about Great Performances and their amazing School-Farm programs with the Sylvia Center, click below.






We are still in need of additional sponsorships to support the show. If you would like to learn more about the many benefits of being a sponsor, please contact Ken for more info.