Art, Seeds, and Talented Kids

Art, Seeds, and Talented Kids

Each year, we help schools throughout the region raise money for their garden programs. One of the schools we've worked with for a few years now is the Woodstock Day School - a community-centered learning place for nursery-age to high school students - located a little north of the Seed Library, in the Catskills.

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Rebecca Black, a pre-K to high school art teacher at the school, inspired by our art packs, led a "Seed Pack Design Project" with the kids. Each student created a seed pack for a local fruit, vegetable, herb, or flower of their choice!



About the Woodstock Day School Garden, Rebecca writes: "Nestled within the Catskill Mountains, Woodstock Day School takes great pride in nourishing the earth's rich bounties, and is deeply connected to our garden, using its resources to our fullest potential. Year round, our children work together to cultivate and maintain a plentiful garden filled with colorful, local harvests. By learning to grow our own food, we become acquainted with the energy cycle that revolves from soil, to seed to flower, to fruit, to food, to decay, and around again."

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The school's goal is to "Together, prepare each student for meaningful participation in a complex world." We are so grateful that art and agriculture are part of that preparation!

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