Farm Intern Notes: First Seed Harvest, Mache

Farm Intern Notes: First Seed Harvest, Mache

The Mache has gone has finally gone to seed - making up our first seed collection of the season.

DSC08934 It raced ahead from the start: coming up before any other green in snowy March...

DSC08941 then lost its juicy leaves...

DSC09089 to focus on flowering...

IMG_0916 and finally, a few weeks ago, shed its tiny white flowers to dry to a brittle brown, signalling that it was ripe for seed collecting.

We pulled out the entire plants, let them dry further in the hoop house and, last week, processed them to extract clean seeds.

IMG_0913 Here's Farmer Stu demonstrating complex seed processing technology (a house fan!).

mid-cleaning mid-cleaning

IMG_0924 All done!