Giveaway Contest! Enjoying Summer, Planning for Fall

Giveaway Contest! Enjoying Summer, Planning for Fall

To win this collection, please see contest rules below. To win this collection, please see contest rules below.

Giveaway! The new cookbook from Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell of Beekman 1802 is out! In addition to giving away 4 copies of their Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook we've put together a Grand Prize Giveaway Package filled with things to help you enjoy peak summer and plan for your fall garden. Details for entry below! Thanks so much for all the wonderful entries! We are contacting the five randomly chosen winners this week!

We often think of peak summer in the garden as the culmination of months of work leading to the best harvests of the year. And this is where a good cookbook becomes an extension of your garden. Cookbooks are as useful as a good harvest knife or harvest trug. Harvesting, cooking, and eating fresh in the summer are certainly a big part of the story, but not the whole story. While we enjoy the fresh fruits of labor, we also start putting up preserves and freezing the garden bounty in July. As garlic, peas and onions come out of the ground, we fill the space with seeds that will become winter root roasts. As we finish off the dregs of last year's preserves, we clean the cupboards and dust off the canning equipment in anticipation of bounty.

To help you enjoy the summer harvests and plan for your fall garden, we've put together this cookbook giveaway and compiled our favorite posts on this theme:

Planning for Fall Bounty

Enjoying Summer, Planning for Fall has a seed starting calendar for mid-late summer.

Planning for an Abundant Fall is a how-to on fall garden planning and planting.

20 Seeds to Sow in Summer gives a quick list of varieties you might want to have plenty of.

Harvesting Your Bounty

Are We There Yet? Detailed how-to on harvesting for peak flavor and yield.

Check out Tips for Vegetable Harvesting for harvest technique.

Preserving Your Bounty

Read Preserving the Summer to find out which method is right for you.

Beekman-1802-Heirloom-Cookbook_grandeEnjoying It All! Enjoying Summer, Planning for Fall Giveaway Contest

To enjoy it all, the harvests, the work, the heat, we're giving away 4 copies of the Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook by Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell plus one Grand Prize Giveaway collection featuring the cookbook plus a collection of seeds to sow now, Bug Away all natural bug spray to make working more pleasant, Kaleidoscope Carrot soap to help clean up, a folding garden knife for all your harvesting and cutting needs, and a versatile TubTrug to tote it all around!

To enter, please let us know in the comments below how you are enjoying summer and preparing for fall! Contest ends 7/15/2014. 


This blog is provided by the Hudson Valley Seed Library, a small group of dedicated growers and plant lovers working to provide good seed to gardeners and small farmers. Your purchases support our work. Thanks!