Osborn School Kids Make Their Own Art Packs

Osborn School Kids Make Their Own Art Packs


Seed Design Samples

We  love hearing about how our Art Packs inspire people. Sometimes they inspire gardeners to try a new variety. Other times they inspire people to give seeds as a gift. They also inspire artists to apply to be a pack artist.

In this case they inspired a school garden teacher and her students!

We received an incredible binder of 20 seed packs designed by the kids from the Lunchtime Garden Club at Osborn School in Rye. NY. Here is the letter I got from their teacher, Anne Mottola.

Dear Ken,
Thank you so much for taking time to talk to me about the special project the children at the Osborn Elementary School in Rye, NY completed. We had a busy six sessions in the Osborn Garden Club! In addition to learning about: the diversity of seeds, seed packets, seed germination, starting from seed, Spring, Summer and Fall crops, and more, the children worked very hard on this unique project.

Your organization – The Hudson Valley Seed Library is a favorite resource of mine for seeds.
I have been purchasing and been gifted your seeds for years and I love them – especially the packaging!

I told the children all about you and how great your seeds are. I also showed them your catalogs and the beautiful seed packet designs. I decided to have them design a seed packet using the template from the Hudson Valley Seed Library – they loved the idea and got busy creating masterpieces.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review the children's hard work – they will be so excited!


Here are a few of the kid's seed pack designs.

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1. "My seed packet is designed to save kohlrabi seeds. I chose kohlrabi because I've planted it before and kohlrabi tastes good!"  -Delia, Grade 4

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2. "My seed packet is designed to save Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds. I chose Heavenly Blue because I like the color and I like vines." -Ellen, Grade 3

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3. "My packet is designed to save onion seeds. I love how the inside of onions make circles. I love coloring circles. Onions make me cry." -Morgan, Grade 3

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4. "My seed packet is designed to save tomato seeds. I chose tomatoes because I like the color red and it is the main color of a dragon." -Brendan, Grade 2

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5. "My seed packet is designed to save kale seeds. My Mima grows kale in her garden. I love to watch it grow." Zander, Grade 2

And here are all the awesome kids! Stay Seedy Osborn School Gardeners!  -Ken