Every year, we donate thousands of seed packs to gardeners in need of seeds. School gardens, community groups and many others have benefited their communities by growing food and teaching others how to grow from seed. Meet one of 2014's seed donation recipients - The Saugerties High School Garden - and find out how the students there turned free seeds into a thriving educational garden.
To learn more about our Seed Donation Program and nominate your favorite community seed organization (by January 31st!), click HERE.
From Mike Cooper, educator at the Saugerties High School: The Saugerties High School Garden (40’ x 40’) was formed this past fall by our Environmental Science and Food Science programs. Students enrolled in these courses were responsible for forming the plots, planting, maintenance, and harvesting the crops, while recording various data in their garden journals. Over forty pounds of vegetables were pulled from the garden including Komatsuna, Tatsoi, Radishes, Garden Cress, Bok Choy, Mibuna, and my favorite - Mizuna. The crop selection was perfect for the time of year and relatively uncommon allowing for new experiences for both students and educators alike. Due to the late planting and limited availability of funds/time, I am certain we would not have had as successful a harvest in both variety and yields if it was not for the generous donation of seeds provided by the Hudson Valley Seed Library.