Holy tomato! We are a bit overwhelmed with tomatoes right now, are you? It's actually quite a good place to be!
In the tomato picking frenzy, I forgot to add our beautiful zucchini harvest to the list. Our first rounds of zucchini plants bit the dust last week (replaced by fall transplants!) but our second round, planted in June, are coming in strong.
In addition to the yummy goodness of last week, this week we harvested:*
Ideal Market Pole Beans
Evergreen Scallions
Green Doe Hill Peppers*
Piracicaba and Purple Peacock Broccoli
Blacktail Mountain Watermelon
Sunflower Surprise
Gift Zinnia
Herbs: Basil, Parsley, Dill
More Tomatoes!
We also harvested our onion crop, which is curing in the greenhouse.
*As you harvest your vegetables each week, consider taking notes. Write down quanties by number, bunches and/or weight. Records such as these can be extremely helpful when planning garden space each year.
*All peppers start out green. If you have a lot of peppers on your plants, and you enjoy the green ones, it's okay to pick a few, but be sure to leave most on the plant to ripen. Ripe peppers have the best, sweetest flavor.