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Catnip Seedlings

Nepeta cataria

Certified Organic

A treat for all beloved kitties. Relaxes humans too!

A calm kitty happened upon a wild patch of an alluring herb. Into her nose flooded the intoxicating chemical nepetalactone, the source of catnip’s power. It bound to her olfactory receptors, causing her to become intoxicated. The natural high opened her eyes to a magical realm she had never known, showing her a new kingdom over which to reign. From that day forth, she became the kitty princess—the ruler of her own imaginative (and, yes, possibly imaginary) world. Celebrate your kitty’s reign with the gift of a catnip patch.

Catnip is a great treat to grow for cats, but it is also a wonderful perennial herb for the garden. Its fragrant flowers attract many beneficial pollinators. Plus, catnip is a medicinal herb for humans, too. It's used as a very mild sleep aid in the form of catnip tea.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
Single seedling in 4" pot $4.99
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Transplant outdoors when plants are 2-3" high. Catnip is very hearty and will grow almost anywhere, but prefers full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate water. Do not plant catnip near plants that could be damaged by cats; some cats smother catnip and any plants that are near it.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 75 days
Width at Maturity 12"
Height at Maturiry 18"
Sun Conditions Mostly Shade (2-4 hours Sun), Partial Sun (4-6 hours Sun), Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Row Spacing 12"
Plant Spacing 12"
About the artist
Art by Christina Hess. Christina displays her mastery of digital illustration in this enchanting rendering. It conveys the tempting pleasures of feline intoxication, and confirms what we all already knew: cats dwell in their own magical world.

    Catnip Seedlings
    Catnip Art Pack
    a pollinating friend!

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