Our next new artist, Karen Combs, works on the cusp of painting, design, craft and art history, merging pop art and rococo influences and infusing her passion for high art with a relaxed rock n' roll sensibility. She also makes awesome wallpaper!
Here's the description and the left pack flap for her variety. Can you guess what it is?
A Florentine flourish
Bulbing (guess), known as both (guess), deserves a home in every garden. Not only do the bulbs make a sweet, mildly-flavored, positively gourmet treat, but they’re also beautiful: the swollen, celadon bases burst vertically into a mist of fine-leaved, breeze-blown stems, providing airiness and brightness and shape. Like many of our garden crops, its origins lie in the Mediterranean basin, and most recipes to be found for (guess) come from Italian cuisine.
Come see all of the new original artworks, meet the artists, and be the first to get your dirty hands on our newest seedy packs, plus cupcakes!
Art of the Heirloom: November 5th from 4-8 pm at the Friends of Historic Kingston Museum