The signs are everywhere: the dim slant of the sun's rays; the frantic rush to finish outdoor tasks by 4:00 p.m.; the urgency of holiday shopping.
The winter solstice is nearly upon us.
While the 21st of December may mark the first day of winter this year, it also marks an end: it's our final ship date for the 2009 Holiday Season.
If you'd like to have your items arrive at their destination by December 24th, please submit your order by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 21st. (For those who don't mind if their orders arrive a day or two late, we will continue shipping throughout the week.)
Already have all your big shopping done? Consider our Art Packs as stocking stuffers or as small "gesture" gifts to include in cards or to supplement an existing gift that needs a little boost. We ship daily, and most orders placed by noon go out the same day. We ship first-class or priority for all orders; most arrive at northeast destinations within one or two days, at other destinations within three.