Heirloom Art

Heirloom Art

It's been an art filled few weeks here at Seedy Farm. Over 120 talented artists entered our call for art for next year's Art Packs. I managed to choose 32 for the second round. Sending the emails to those who were not selected was a bit heart wrenching, but we just can't afford to print 120 Art Packs! The chosen few are busy working on their sketch proposals and I will soon have the very difficult task of choosing just 16 of them to make artwork for our seed packs. If you have ever thought about drawing in your garden, we have a new neighbor who is teaching botanical illustration in her garden. Her name is Wendy Hollender and she is the coordinator for Botanical Art and Illustration at the New York  Botanical Garden.She has offered a discount to any Seed Library members who would like to come to her class. Also, if you come up this way for Wendy's class you can come visit us at Seedy Farm as well! Here is the info, it's soon so register asap!


Botanical Drawing on the Farm- Instructor: Wendy Hollender

July Harvest, Blueberry bushes, currant bushes, summer vegetables

Location: Hollengold Farm – 222 Lower Whitfield Road., Accord, New York 12404

Date: Friday July 17th and or Saturday July 18th

Time: 10am – 4pm (Lunch included in workshop fee)

Price of Workshop: One day $90.00 Seed Library members $80.00 Both days $165.00

Workshop Description: Study the fundamentals of botanical drawing using the medium of colored pencils. No previous drawing experience required. Drawing plants and flowers starts with observation. Under the supervision of botanical instructor Wendy Hollender students will learn plant parts and their purposes through dissection and comparison. Students will work in graphite and colored pencil to create detailed botanical drawings and sketchbook pages of flowering plants, fruits and seedpods, working directly from the wide variety of plants growing locally and on our farm.

Material list will be provided or purchase supplies on the day of the workshop. Please let us know if you want art supplies. Price for the art supplies ranges from $25 up to $85.

Wendy Hollender is the coordinator for Botanical Art and Illustration at the New York Botanical Garden. She holds a BFA in textile design from the Rhode Island School of Design and earned a Certificate in Botanical Art and Illustration at the New York Botanical Garden. She is the founder of WH Art & Design, which focuses on original botanical artwork for a variety of uses, including museums and conservation groups. In addition, she not only teaches at both New York botanical gardens but runs workshops at various tropical locations. She works on projects and exhibits internationally. In January of 2008 Wendy published; “Botanical Drawing, A Beginner’s Guide,” a workbook for anyone who wants to learn Botanical Drawing. It has been selling steadily at the New York Botanical Garden, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, The Getty Museum, and on the artist's website. She is currently at work on a Botanical Drawing Book to be published by Random House in 2010.

Wendy recently purchased a farm in Ulster County called the Hollengold Farm. Family and friends are helping Wendy grow a variety of plants for consumption and study. Visit Wendy's website to see her work.  www.whartdesign.com

Visit the website of the Hollengold Farm at: www.hollengoldfarm.com Sign up by e-mail to : wendy@whartdesign.com Or by phone at : 917-607-7366