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22/06/2009 | Ken Greene
It is time to be thinking about saving seeds but first, it is time to discover your inner rogue.
On Saturday we celebrated the Solstice in the dank gloom of this unseasonable cold and wet June.
15/06/2009 | Doug Muller
In the distance there is thunder. Again.
29/05/2009 | Doug Muller
We've been in full-fledged spring rush mode: breaking lots of new ground, weeding, shaping beds, amending soil, and, of course, sowing seeds.
17/05/2009 | Ken Greene
Un-preparing beds for self-sowers.
06/05/2009 | Doug Muller
In my estimation, May is the most frenetic month on the garden calendar.
28/04/2009 | Doug Muller
So, what I erroneously dubbed "summer" in my last post was merely a whiff of the incredible and startling heat wave that has descended on the northeast the past four
19/04/2009 | Doug Muller
Spring had been plodding along, coolish, slower than usual, and then--with little warning--a solid blast of warmth soars up on southern winds.
08/04/2009 | Doug Muller
The days are now more light than dark, and the promising green sprouts embolden the winter weary to believe that warmer weather is soon to come.
02/04/2009 | Doug Muller
All young beings benefit from this benign neglect, including vegetable seedlings.