Rainbow Tatsoi

Certified Organic

Brassica rapa

Beautiful burnished Asian green for salads and stir fries.

This colorful and cold-hardy Asian Green has its roots in human error. Dan Brisebois, of the Tourne-Sol Cooperative Farm outside Montreal, discovered that a mislabeled seed variety had led to an accidental cross-pollination among his tatsoi. But discerning some beautiful traits in the off-types, he set about deliberately selecting for the colorful pink stems and purple foliage that had appeared.

Rainbow is a lovely, deep green tatsoi with vibrant splashes of purple, red, and pink. Mature heads develop to a rosette of sweet and mild leaves that can be used in salads and sautés. The plants develops a burnished purple hue when touched by frost.

This variety is suitable for growing as a microgreen. 🌱

from $3.99

Art Pack (200 seeds) $4.79 In Stock
200 Seeds $3.99 Out of Stock
600 Seeds $7.39 Out of Stock

Price as selected:

Sow indoors beginning 8-10 weeks before last frost, or direct sow beginning 3-4 weeks before last frost. Can be sown straight through until September, though spring sowings can bolt early and be taken by flea beetles; consider using row cover. Harvest whole head—not an ideal cut-and-come-again green. Superb in fall and winter. 

Days to Germination 4-8 days
Days to Maturity 45
Planting Depth ½"
Spacing in Row 6"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 8-12"
Width at Maturity 6-12"
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

Kate Anderson lives on a small farm, so her art celebrates the intimate connection we all have to the land we live on. Working in mixed media and textured layers, she hopes to inspire people to become caretakers of the planet.

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