Indian Blanket

Gaillardia pulchella

Excellent choice for the novice or experienced gardener.

A popular flower garden annual. The bright red and yellow flowers bloom for months, attracting beneficial pollinators from early summer through late fall. Very easy to grow and needs very little attention. Great for borders or in medium to large sized containers.

from $3.49

200 Seeds $3.49 In Stock
600 Seeds $6.39 In Stock
1 Ounce $11.49 Out of Stock

Price as selected:

Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost. Transplant outside after threat of frost has passed, 12-18 inches apart. Indian blanket only reaches 12-18 inches in height, so consider using it as a border if planting it with taller flowers. Indian Blanket tolerates dry, drought-like conditions and prefers full sun, but will do fine in partial shade as well. Flowers have long, thin stems and can be used as a cut flower, but will only last a few days. The immature seed head is also a great addition to bouquets.

Days to Germination 7 to 14 days
Days to Maturity 60 days
Planting Depth ¼ inch
Spacing in Row 12 inches
Spacing Between Rows 12 inches
Height at Maturity 12 to 18 inches
Width at Maturity 12-18 inches
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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