Joe Pye Weed (spotted)

Eutrochium maculatum

A butterfly magnet that stays a manageable size.

 Spotted Joe Pye Weed is found primarily growing in the Northeast and upper Midwest regions of North America. Smaller than Sweet Joe Pye Weed, it reaches just 4-6 feet, which is much more manageable for most perennial gardens. The wide, fluffy, pink-purple flower clusters attract pollinators of all kinds. Easy to grow and will bloom the first year if started early.

Shop with confidence: we are now shipping seeds labeled for 2025 planting.

from $4.29

Art Pack / 150 seeds $4.99 In Stock
150 Seeds $4.29 In Stock
450 Seeds $7.29 In Stock
1350 Seeds $11.69 In Stock

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Cold stratification required: direct sow in fall or early winter into a clean, prepared bed. Or, for spring sowing, sow shallowly about 10 weeks before last frost, in rich, damp soil. Cover and refrigerate for 3 weeks. Afterwards, move to a 70-degree, well-lit spot for germination, which can take up to 28 days. Harden off and transplant outdoors into rich, moist soil after last frost.

Days to Germination 21-28
Days to Maturity 150 - 365
Planting Depth Barely Cover
Height at Maturity 60"
Width at Maturity 36"
Sun Preference Full Sun to Light Shade
Hardiness Zone Range Zones 4-9

Pearl Cowan is influenced by botanical illustration, Dutch forest floor still lifes, alchemical/occult illustration, religious painting, and landscapes. In this acrylic painting, she sets Spotted Joe Pye Weed against a backdrop of one of her signature Radiant Voids, giving it a sense of supernatural resonance.

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