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Paste Tomatoes

Paste Tomatoes

The it-veggie of the garden world. Home-grown tomatoes never go out of style for once you taste your first sun-warmed fresh fruit, there is no way back. The delicious experience will haunt your dinner fantasies forever and no sorry supermarket substitute will suffice.

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 items

Amish Paste Tomato

Certified Organic

For fresh eating, canning, and saucing—an all-around champ.

from $3.99

Aosta Valley Select Tomato

Certified Organic

Beautiful cherries are delicious roasted or sauced.

from $3.99

Blue Beech Tomato

Certified Organic

A true beauty: dry, dense flesh, and sweet enough to savor raw!

from $3.99

Cesare's Canestrino di Lucca Tomato

Certified Organic

A rare Italian heirloom sauce tomato.


Firminio's Plum Tomato

Certified Organic

Italian-American heirloom for roasting, drying, and saucing.

from $3.99

Frank's Iranian Tomato Seeds

Certified Organic

Fruit have loads of umami flavor; excellent for processing.

from $3.99

New Yorker Tomato

Certified Organic

An early producer, excellent for canning and processing.


Opalka Tomato

Certified Organic

Large slender paste tomato with low seed count.

from $3.39

Orange Banana Plum Tomato

Certified Organic

Makes colorful sauce and ketchup.

from $3.99

Purple Heart Tomato

Certified Organic

Fall in love with these delectable hearts!

from $3.99

Rutgers Tomato

Certified Organic

The original round red slicer from New Jersey.

from $3.39

Speckled Roman Tomato

Compelling fruits are wonderful for both sauce and slicing.

from $3.39