
Mentha spp.

Mint that manifests in an array of slightly different forms.

Possessing one of the most potent and recognized aromas in the plant kingdom, mint is a truly magical plant. When grown from seed, it delivers a magical surprise: each plant is slightly different in appearance and flavor profile. In an age like ours when we can control our conditions more than any humans in history, inviting uncertainty into our gardens gives us a chance to let go and find gratitude for whatever manifests, especially when we trust that whatever manifests is going to be delicious.


Art Pack / 500 seeds $4.79 In Stock

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Surface sow seeds indoors and gently press them in. Keep moist and at room temperature. Transplant outside when seedlings are at leat 3-4" tall, choosing location carefully, as mint spreads rapidly. Constructing barriers to restrict its growth or growing in containers, as well as regular harvesting, is helpful to control spread.

Days to Maturity 80 days
Planting Depth 0"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 12"
Width at Maturity spreads up to 60"
Sun Preference Full Sun
Hardiness Zone Range Zones 5-9

Artwork by Ruby Silvious. Ruby crafted the art for this variety out of a medium she chooses for much of her work: a used teabag. Combined with a watercolor sky, her well-saturated teabag evokes the elevating effect that a mug of mint tea can achieve.

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